Still home alone

It’s Friday night and it has been a busy and very hot week. So my hubby has been away for what seems like a week, I don’t know how women and men in the services cope. My hubby has gone to a conference, a very long conference and left me holding the baby, sorry I should say 3 children and a cat, in the hottest week of the year.

So, its been crazy trying to entertain children and try and fit in all the regular week day chores. Its unusual for my hubby to go away on the first week of the school holiday’s needless to say the timing of this hasn’t been great. So I have tried to create an activity, heat reducing week. Wednesday we all went to the cinema to see monsters inc, and I have to say it was very funny. It completely entertained my children, ok my youngest wasn’t actually very good at sitting still but she has a few toys with her and I explained that she needed to be quiet during the movie and she managed it.

Due to the heat nobody has slept well, on average I have one or another child waking up every 2 hours, which is starting to drive me slightly mental.

Thursday, was a cheaper day, a trip to the beach, with inflatables. But nobody was that keen on brining them home, I think everyone forgot that dad wasn’t around to carry all the heavy stuff. So we strolled, with some serious moaning back up the hill to our house. All three children jumped in the shower one after another, to remove the last of the sand.

Friday, my hubby informs me that instead of getting the train back he is getting a lift with a friend who is also in London on business, so I thought that he would be getting back before the train would have got him back, but this is not the case, instead, it’s late, I’m tired and he still isn’t home. He has just phoned and said the traffic has been a nightmare- which may have something to do with living in the south west and it being the holiday session. All I can say is I think the heat has gotten to him.

I am so looking forward to my hubby coming home, so he can look after the children for a while, so I can have a rest.

Summer fun

With the summer almost here (I have been saying this for a while now), but it is almost here.
There are loads of fun things, that don’t cost to much to do with children.

  1. Building a den in the front room- you can never rely on the weather
  2. Bake some cupcakes or cookies, the cleaning up afterwards isn’t so much fun. Plus the products may be questionable.
  3. Do a nature walk, get the children to count how many different birds they see whilst walking, or how many people wearing purple.
  4. Visit a library or a museum, either one will have summer events on
  5. Painting, children love to paint, if the weather is good I buy some cheap wall paper use the blank side and let them do feet and hand painting. Very messy so it’s best to do it outside.
  6. Have a treasure hunt
  7. Get them in to gardening, children love to see stuff grow, if you have the space grow some simple veg. They will be amazed at the transformation from ground to plate.
  8. Visit the local park or swimming pool or if you are lucky the beach. It can be a really fun day out, for next to nothing in cost.
  9. Create an obstacle course in your garden, with skipping ropes, sacks for jumping and some small bean bags you can have a lot of fun.
  10. Have a clothes and toy swap with other mums in the neighborhood. This can be fun for parents as well and it will save you money.